Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Old College Try Start Thinking About Your Personal Brand

The Old College Try Start Thinking About Your Personal Brand The Old College Try Start Thinking About Your Personal Brand 1Students enjoying their first semester of college probably arent thinking too much about their time after college. But  perhaps they  should. New recruiting practices and workplace innovations mean it’s never too soon to think about your personal brand and how you appear to prospective employers- and that train of thought  is just as important  for any job seeker. Recruiters aren’t waiting until the spring anymore to visit college campuses, and students shouldn’t wait until their junior and senior years to create their personal brand or develop a resume, according to  Susie Clarke, director of undergraduate career services at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business. Recruitment Begins Early With 70 percent of recruiting taking place in the fall semester, the Kelley School focuses on preparing students to meet company recruiters  and consider long-term career options as soon as possible. Through its Kelley Compass program, the college helps undergraduates at every level, with best practices for resumes, interview coaching, and tips for networking. In fact, skills-building begins at the freshman level, Clarke said. While students just starting out don’t have a lot of work experience to put on a resume, the careers services center will help them develop a LinkedIn profile. Exploring clubs and organizations that align with their interests, job shadowing, and thinking about the future will help flesh out those profiles. Clarke advises that students take time to figure out their passions and what will make a career meaningful to them- and know how to communicate that clearly. “At the freshmen level, it’s all about personal branding.”   In sophomore and junior years, students should become more focused on tailoring their resumes and honing their interview skills. In addition, networking and leveraging school organizations, and connecting with diverse activities across the college campus will further prepare students for finding the right career, Clarke said. She suggests students look into peer and alumni organizations, and build professional networks by attending career fairs and connecting on social media. Plus, well-rounded job candidates will have experience with clubs and activities that go beyond classwork. Companies are looking for employees who can work with colleagues with differing backgrounds in cohesive teams, she said.   Practice Makes Perfect Above all, practice is key, Clarke added. Skills-building “is continuous. It never stops.” This is critical as the workplace continues to evolve. More companies are going virtual, and more employees are demanding more remote and flexible working options. It’s starting at the interview point, said Clarke, who said she has seen more and more interviews conducted  online. In addition, workers are asking employers about work-from-home and flexible schedules. “This generation is really pushing it,” she said. Reinforcing the career lessons learned in college can help students in school and beyond, Clarke said. Preparation, practice, and awareness: “That gives them an advantage in the workplace.” Readers, what preparation tips would you give to job seekers  about building their  personal brand? Comment below to let us know.

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