Sunday, December 29, 2019

How to Craft a Memorable Elevator Pitch

How to Craft a Memorable Elevator PitchHow to Craft a Memorable Elevator Pitch3Are you ready to interact with a potential employer at any given time? Do you have a memorable elevator pitch? Sharpening your elevator pitch can be the difference between capturing someones attention and letting the opportunity go to waste.An elevator pitch serves as an introduction and first impression, says Ryan Brechbill, director of the Center for Career Professional Development at Otterbein University in Ohio. It immediately signals to the listener the candidates level of self-awareness, confidence, and purpose.While the exact content may vary due to who youre talking to and where (say, a recruiter at a job fair vs. a fellow alum at a reunion picnic), preparation remains key.To construct a memorable elevator pitch that leaves the listener wanting to continue talking, try these strategiesBrainstormWhat do you want others to know about you? What do you bring to the table that is unique or noteworthy? The more you get to the heart of your true interests, skills, and experiences, the better youll be able to present yourself clearly and effectively to others.Be briefWith the average adult attention span roughly 8-15 seconds, it is critical to craft your elevator pitch in terms of conversational soundbytes rather than conventional statements, saysMatthew Randall, executive director of the Center for Professional Excellence at York College of Pennsylvania. Think more along the lines of a Twitter and Vine approach, rather than structuring your pitch like an email or voice mail.Avoid coming off as canned or cornyThe best pitches sound natural and conversational, so practice until you feel comfortable with the speech. Then, judge its effectiveness by giving it many times, seeing how others react, and tweaking appropriately. Likewise, watch that your desire to be catchy doesnt turn into being cheesy. Aim to creatively talk about yourself in a genuine manner.Consider listener and localeIn crease the odds of capturing attention by keeping the needs of your audience in mind. Ask yourself what this particular person youre meeting might find interesting or useful. Similarly, the situation often plays a part in what you choose to say.A person at a networking event is likely to respond better to a straightforward approach of content and style than someone who you happen to strike up a conversation with in line at Starbucks. As Randall summarizes, Effectivesoundbytesare like Lego bricks They need to be interchangeable and customizable, according to the audience and context.Be welcomingFinally, how can you get your points across but not make others feel like they are being strong-armed? Be confident- not arrogant, and know the difference, Randall says. Stay focused on building rapport, not just selling your skills.And remember, even a great elevator pitch will issue flat if you dont speak clearly and make eye contact. Smile, relax, and let your best self shine throughReaders , do you have a memorable elevator pitch? Share your successful tips with us below in the comment section

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Frustrated by the lack of womens societies, this woman created one

Frustrated by the lack of womens societies, this woman created oneFrustrated by the lack of womens societies, this woman created oneIn the past few years, we have seen a major upswing in the rise of womens only workspaces. From The Wing to Quilt to The Hivery to RISE, etc. And though all of these clubs have very social aspects they are primarily focused on giving women a safe and inspirational distribution policy to work, what about womens social clubs?There used to only be mens clubs for drinking whiskey, wine, and beer, but women are swiftly and significantly moving into this space. Even though women have always consumed both of these beverages there never were any clear numbers on it even though two-fifths of bourbon drinkers are women, according to Forbes. Women are also working in these industries running their own distilleries and breweries.It is interesting that these social clubs around whiskey and beer, which have been relegated as traditionally more male drinks, are popping up but surely there are plenty of female-led social wine clubs for women? Not so much it turns out.According to a 2017 study on wine consumer segmentation from the nonprofit Wine Council Market, women make up59% of the total wine drinkersin the U.S. and more and more women are becoming winemakers, but female-only wine societies are few and far between and entrepreneur Joss Sackler welches bedrngnis happy.She wanted to go to events where women were the members and elend guests of the men or where she was the lone pioneering female member in the year 2017. So she decided to fix the problem and launched LBV,a non-partisan,non-conformist and open-minded community for women to celebrate wine, food, culture design via an ongoing series of activities, dinners, and excursions.LBV was created in response to the current landscape of private wine societies in New York City which are predominantly male. LBV is a private social club for women with shared interests in culture, art, design, fine dining and wine. We host a series of four quarterly experiential dinners, as well as a wide range of social events throughout the year, Sackler told Ladders.Events have ranged from a pre-runway showroom visit to designer Prabal Gurung, workout classes, a black-tie dinner set within an art installation at the Four Seasons Restaurant, a private wine food tasting with Michelin-Star Chef Gunter Seeger and a virtual reality screening of Emmy-Award Winning film, Capturing Everest,an introduction to the worlds go-to climbing guide and the incredible Lisa Thompson, the first American woman to summit K2.I am not sure why there has been a lack of female wine societies in NY, Sackler said. I know that from my own personal experience, I really enjoy having a group of women with whom I can share and enjoy wine.The key to networking for womenLBV will be keeping the activities strong in 2019with a dinner honoring Will Cotton in March and a collaborative evening with CJ Hendry in May as well as m ore workouts, studio visits, and lectures on special topics.My favorite aspect of LBV dinners is being able to share in the experience with my group of girlfriends. With each event, we build our collective memory because we live through it together, at the same time, Sackler told Ladders. The common thread amongst all LBV members is that everyone wants to be the most supportive possible to each other, we all share the excitement and joy when one of our members succeeds at a personal endeavor. LBV is made up of rad people.I was lucky enough to attend the last dinner and I can say though I didnt know anyone I felt completely comfortable going up to people and introducing myself. I made some amazing career as well as personal connections with people who I would have otherwise never met (now I know a handful of people that climbed Mt.Everest)A more intimate networking event like this is a setting that tends to work better for women when making career connections. According to a 2015 stu dy by LeanIn.Org and McKinsey Company, women have smaller networks, but deeper relationships within those networks.The research found that women are really looking for counterparts in their network that share the same values and can also offer support in their career while men care less about a connection with the same values. Another more recent study found that mens networking events tend to be more casual and spontaneous so women are automatically not included. A recurring formal, planned event like LBV may be the key to getting women to network more.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Heartfelt Resignation Letter Tips and Examples

Heartfelt Resignation Letter Tips and ExamplesHeartfelt Resignation Letter Tips and ExamplesWhen you send a letter of resignation to your employer, its good to add a word of thanks, if appropriate. You always want to leave a job on the best possible terms, and sending a heartfelt resignation letter can go a long way toward making your last impression as good as your first. Here is what a heartfelt resignation letter should include with a sample, as well as a letter example noting regret at leaving. How to Write a Heartfelt Resignation Letter Most people are bad fibbers, but good at sensing when others arent being genuine. Dont spoil a networking opportunity by lying. Its not a good idea to pretend that your neglectful boss was a helpful mentor. Neither should you praise the efficiency of the organization when every day on the job was a fire drill. Even bad jobs usually have some high spots. Search for those, and call them out for praise. Above all, be genuine. Be Specific The best praise is specific, as well as personal and honest. Did your boss or coworker teach you a useful skill or provide an example that youll use as a model? The perfect time to mention it. Your resignation letter will linger longer in their memory because youve attached your thanks to their specific behaviors. We all like to hear nice things about ourselves. Include an Offer of Assistance Replacing employees is difficult. This is true even if youve given appropriate notice, and even if the company has your replacement lined up. Training a new worker and helping them gel with the team takes time, effort, and money all of which are in perpetually short supply at most organizations. By offering to help in the transition, youll stand out as someone whos a team player even after youve officially left the team. Its low-investment for you since the odds are youll be called upon merely to answer a few questions here or there, or provide training before you leave. The impression youll leave on your former manager and colleagues will be priceless. You can bet theyll be willing to provide you with recommendations and job leads in the future. Heartfelt Resignation Letter Example This resignation letter example includes an appreciation for the opportunities provided by the employer. Tripp Meter28 Nichols StreetAlamo, TX 76192May 15, 20XXTilda WhiteABC School983 Green Ave.Ft. Worth, TX 76101Dear Ms. White,Please accept this letter of resignation from ABC School as a sixth-grade history teacher. My last day of employment will be June 3, 20XX.Thank you so much for five excellent years at your school. I have worked alongside some excellent colleagues, and have had so many opportunities to grow and develop in my career field.I will never forget my time at ABC School. Please let me know if you need any assistance with the transition.All the best,Signature (hard copy letter)Tripp Meter Expand Resignation Email Sample Regret at Leaving Heres an example of a resignatio n letter noting regret and thanking the employer. Use this letter for inspiration before writing your own. Do not copy the letter exactly your own letter should be genuine and reflect your own feelings and circumstances. Subject Your Name - ResignationDear Mr. SmithI regret to inform you that I am resigning from my position as Communications Director for the ABC Company. My last day of employment will be August 15.Thank you for the support that you have provided me during the last several years. I truly appreciated the opportunity to advance from assistant to a manager to director along with the gelegenheit to hone my marketing and PR skills. I have enjoyed my tenure with the company.If I can be of any assistance during this transition, please let me know. I would be glad to help however I can.Sincerely,Your name Expand Sending an Email Resignation Message If you want to email your message, some general rules apply Remember that a resignation letter is a networking opportunity, a nd follow the rules outlined above to make a good impression on your team.Neatness counts. Proofread carefully, and have a trusted friend do the same, to save the embarrassment of spotting a typo or grammatical error after you send.File a copy of your email for your records. Email has different requirements than hard-copy communication, so the emailed version of your resignation will look a little different. Specifically You can leave off the heading when youre emailing, as well as the written signature.Brevity is the soul of email communication. Keep it as short as possible, while still conveying your message.Choose your subject line with care. Thank You is a good choice.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Marine Corps Field 72 Air Command Career Options

Marine Corps Field 72 Air Command Career OptionsMarine Corps Field 72 Air Command Career OptionsThe air control, air traffic control, air support, and anti-air warfare OccFld includes the operation and management of the air command and control functions associated with the Marine aircraft wing. Qualifications Qualifications required include manual dexterity for man-machine interface, highly developed visual/auditory skills, the ability to communicate effectively with radios, and the leadership and skills to work effectively as a member of a command and control kollektiv. The duties involve skills and procedures that are initially acquired through formal schools and further developed by individual and team training. Air control, air traffic control, air support and antiair warfare Marines will be required to learn the emplacement, cabling orientation, and operation of air command, control, traffic control, and anti-air warfare defense systems and equipment. Entry-level assignments include LAAD gunner, air command and control operator, air traffic controller, and air support operations operator. A wide variety of FMF billets are available in the OccFld in the active and reserve forces at the group, squadron/battalion, or battery level. Numerous non-FMF assignments also exist at the Marine Corps Systems Command, Marine Corps Air Stations worldwide, as instructors at MOS-producing schools. Marines will participate in routine air command and control functions while training for a designated MOS within the OccFld. (See figure 3-35 for additional information concerning the career/grade structure and schooling of unterstellung Marines.) For actual requirements of duties, and how these duties are developed through individual and team training for each MOS, refer to MCO P3500.19, Aviation Training and Readiness Manual, Volume 5, Marine Air Command and Control System (MACCS). Marine Corps Enlisted Military Occupation Specialties 7212 Low Altitude Air Defense (LAA D) Gunner7234 Air Control Electronics Operator7236 Tactical Air Defense Controller7242 Air Support Operations Operator7251 Air Traffic Controller-Trainee7252 Air Traffic Controller-Tower7253 Air Traffic Controller-Radar Arrival/Departure Controller7254 Air Traffic Controller-Radar Approach Controller7257 Air Traffic Controller7277 Weapons and Tactics Instructor-Air Control7291 Senior Air Traffic Controller

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

What Does Lead Synonym Resume Mean?

What Does Lead Synonym Resume Mean? The template was made with all US holidays alongside observances. Youre also very likely to need to comprehend how to pick and request references. Pick references which could be legitimate. Additionally, make sure you understand what references will say about you when they get a telephone from a potential employer. Samples of cover letter templates can be seen throughout the internet and you also just will want to browse all them. Only utilize adjectives to describe yourself if youre ready to back this up immediately afterwards. You might find it even more easy to work with a template so the formatting is perfect. A couple of templates are given by Avery which makes purchasing the perfect card stock to publish a number of postcards on a single sheet a cinch. The Key to Successful Lead Synonym Resume If you dont, you might be in for a huge trouble in your interview. Part of what draws the interest of a hiring manager is using important w ords that are associated with the work vacancy. When you want to land up a job in a reputable business house you will want to get a detailed resume. Dont be scared to reach out to them with any questions you might have about the practice of hunting for work Being aware of what words to use to demonstrate leadership ought to start from carefully reading the work description, said Frana. Selecting the most effective words to spell out your experience can earn a substantial impact for a possible employer. Power words are used for many factors. More precise words may also add a little formality to your actions, she states. Strong leadership is all about a lot more than simply telling everyone what to do. Strong professional references from several viewpoints give prospective employers an opportunity to hear what an outstanding asset you will be from third party perspectives. Explore various ways to translate your abilities and experience so that you position yourself as a certifi ed and capable candidate. Just take care not to overembellish, or you might get into trouble during the interview. Be certain to have a look at our guide below to make certain you dont make this mistake. Illustrating concrete examples of the number of people that youve led and how big the reach of a project is when it comes to budget, for instance, are compelling techniques to share with a hiring manager your leadership abilities. Developing a great resume is the very best way you are able to make that first impression. For instance, when you state that youre skilled in several practices, you make the error of thinking youre showcasing your versatility. Introducing Lead Synonym Resume In 7 minutes, you will understand how to compose a flawless manager resume. If you work in a creative field, think about developing a personal site with a mobile-responsive design so that you can share your portfolio from any gadget. Make certain that youre highlighting the most relevant and t opical experience essential for the position. You also are aware there are lots of future milestones that include things like complex and risky capabilities. If you want to relocate for work, you most likely already know its most effective to leave your present address off your resume. Bear in mind, this contact information is going to be employed by recruiters to get in touch with you. Typically this word is connected with Sales and Marketing or Budgeting and Forecasting related industries, but nevertheless, it can fit into nearly any facet which allows for a resume to demonstrate a talent to invoke transformation. Take a look at the expert experience section of our how to compose a resume guide, and you are going to be up to speed right away Some resumes are reviewed by many distinctive employers and dont give them with the information that they are hunting for. Fantastic resumes serve several functions at precisely the same moment. Resume examples will reveal to you just w hat font of information is required and the format it is necessary in. There are lots of examples of resumes, but you need to remain certain to create your resume and cover letter with your very own personal touch. Its required of you so as to start your letter. With our custom made essay offer, you can be guaranteed to get any kind of essay help you are searching for. The ideal thing regarding these templates is they show you exactly what information is called for in a specific field, together with how to write it creatively. An open house flyer template contains got the raw materials that you have ordered to make a working flyer fast so you can get the term out.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Basic Facts of Awards Section Resume

The Basic Facts of Awards Section Resume Furthermore, you can consist of testimonials that show youve got the perfect stuff. The third alternative is even clunkier, and may be perceived as an effort to add fluff to inflate the CV. Resume is a one-page layout designed particularly for resumes and individual projects. There are many pre-made Divi layouts for resume websites accessible to provide you with a head start on the next project. Life, Death and Awards Section Resume Take a look at the next guide to learn where awards should go on a resume and the way to include them so they can positively influence your candidacy. Keep the awards related to your job and industry. An Honors and Awards section is only the means to do that. If youve got many awards, honors or certificates, you can want to restrict the info you provide on your resume. The New Angle On Awards Section Resume Just Released When you make your resume, the awards section is an important portion of demonstr ating your abilities and abilities. The same is true for your key skills. Your resume is among the most significant tools youve got at your disposal during work hunt. One of the absolute most important tools youve got in your advertising toolbox is your resume. How to Find Awards Section Resume Any muster activity that doesnt include things like attainment of an award, scholarship, or other means of recognition shouldnt be listed as an accomplishment because your capacity to be extraordinary has not yet been measured by means of an organization. My purpose is to discover the job. You shouldnt use the expression accountable for on a resume as it can not every really sound to be an achievement. Utilizing an online resume builder is a very simple and effective method of writing a winning resume which will get you through the interview stage. The dot at the start of the very first sentence isnt a mistake. Therefore understanding how to compose a resume is essential. The Hidd en Gem of Awards Section Resume Hiring managers try to find a good deal more than just your capacity to find the task done. Many job seekers make the error of listing job duties and duties over achievements. Look back at the work listing to acquire an awareness of what the employer is searching for in a candidate. Show your possible employer why youre able to conduct the job better than others no matter how much experience youve got. The Ultimate Awards Section Resume Trick The advice and examples above ought to help you come up with some resume achievements. Especially whenever there are countless different applicants with similar qualifications and techniques. Cv objectives can be a bit controversial. Which means you need to define an original objective for each work application. Getting the Best Awards Section Resume In case you have a lot of work experience, its wise to incorporate any expert awards on your resume to underline the fact your work was recognized for it s excellence in a particular field. You might also want to say only a couple of words about the organization that presented the awards, if this info isnt obvious. Youd be amazed at the things that genuinely make you stand out which you might have overlooked. There are times that you will need just a little something extra. If you own a group of awards from an expert organization you belong to, then you are going to want to keep the expert lingo to a minimum. Dont hold back in the fest you have various awards in a particular area or youve achieved something special in a previously-held position just like the vacancy. Your copywriting award may be impressive, but nevertheless, it wont assist you in a business analyst role. Always include things like volunteer work. What to Expect From Awards Section Resume? Adding an accomplishments section to your resume is an excellent means to demonstrate your best achievements and regions of expertise as they relate to the job which your e applying for. You are able to figure out ways to quantify your experience whatever industry youre in. Many also believe that its tricky to discover certain accomplishments in their industry. The accomplishments that you pick to improve your resume has to be relevant to the work vacancy youre applying to or relate in some way to the business or specific business.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

What to Expect From Police Resume?

What to Expect From versicherungsschein Resume? As youre formatting text, focus on the style, also called the font, of the text. Employing a resume template saves you a good deal of time. Its therefore essential that you have good problem solving skills. ur professional resume writers use all the most recent software tools and offer you with the source file if you prefer to edit it at a subsequent date. Top resume builders arrive equipped with various features that makes resume writing seem effortless. Such examples are extremely useful because they save time which might have been wasted otherwise on figuring the ideal format out. What About Police Resume? Theres a whole lot of contradicting information on the net giving readers bad advice. Then consider your own personal strengths and select the ones that most closely fit the work description. Three women working at a hair care shop testified they heard Kaarma say that exact day which he was waiting up nights to shoot an intruder. Also read the suggestions and advice that you should consider for the work interview. You need to manage it quite effectively. Policing is unique and frequently rewarding occupation that needs a wide variety of skills to carry out the necessary tasks on a daily basis. Work experience Its also an extremely vital section of your resume. People today have a tendency to compose cliched and banal sentences that mostly state that they would like to be challenged and grow within the corporation. Police Resume Options The resume cover letter is your opportunity to truly highlight why you is going to be the absolute most appropriate for that position. A resume is among the most crucial documents in your job hunt procedure. There are some universal truths about resumes which should be noted and adhered to religiously. Unfortunately, a number of resumes consist of pre-assembled or inefficient words which do not add value. A deutsche bundespost certification isnt on the a uthorities officer requirements list in the majority of states. To find out more on what it requires to be a Police Officer, have a look at our complete Police Officer Job Description. Obtaining a job for a assekuranzpolice officer may be a rewarding career choice, but first you will need to land an interview. No matter your military branch or occupation background, you can discover a job at CBP that builds upon your present skillset. To find out more on what it requires to be a Police Detective, take a look at our complete Police Detective Job Description. Employers would like to know they can trust workers to deal with a project down to the last detail. They will also want to see that you can effectively engage with people. Ok, I Think I Understand Police Resume, Now Tell Me About Police Resume Do not waste the chance to maintain an on-line reputation that recruiters will discover fitting for the best job candidate. You would like to land a great job which pays well. Appl ying together with all the task targeted resume to find each job is an excellent clinic rather than sending exact same resume for each and every job. The work satisfaction is indeed excellent. Make sure to thoroughly read the work description, and mention any appropriate computer skills youve got in your resume and cover letter. Explore various ways to translate your abilities and experience so that you position yourself as a certified and capable candidate. Check with the job requirements as mentioned in the posting as you flesh out your experience and the way it is related to the job. Police Resume - What Is It? Police reveal a potential sighting of the girls as soon as they disappeared. A police officer needs to be knowledgeable, professional, and calm in any way times. Though, life as he comes with its share of risk and stress, it could be very rewarding as well. Youre going to observe an ideal police officer resume sample. Just a few police agencies accept applications on a continuing basis. Furthermore, you can look for police officer jobs on Monster. After all, youre already doing the wise thing by attempting to learn as much as possible concerning the police interview. No arrests are made. Facts, Fiction and Police Resume The capability to work nicely with other people to accomplish a frequent aim is critical for a harmonious workplace. Just take that information and structure your resume in such a manner it emphasizes your experience and training which best applies to their requirements and desires. You have to be able to turn into a team player if you want to fix problems effectively and efficiently. Bear in mind your purpose is to assist and resolve peoples problems when issues arise.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Americans With Disabilities ActEmployers Obligations

Americans With Disabilities ActEmployers ObligationsAmericans With Disabilities Act- Employers ObligationsThe Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) makes it unlawful for an employer with 15 or more employees to discriminate against a qualified individual with a disability. The Michigan Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act, for example, which is similar to the ADA in many respects, covers employers with one or more employees. You need to make yourself aware of the laws in your city, state, or country so that you are up-to-date on how to avoid discrimination in your interaction with employees and potential employees. This article addresses a number of disability law issues relevant to employers. Make sure that you consult with your employment law attorney for your location to ensure that you are up to speed on any legislation which may affect your actions as an employer. Undoubtedly states in plus-rechnen to Michigan and other jurisdictions will have their own requirements in add ition to the Federal law. Protections Offered by the ADA for Employees and Potential Employees Who is protected by the ADA? The ADA applies to a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities (like walking, standing, kneeling or breathing). Examples include individuals who have physical conditions such as epilepsy, diabetes, severe forms of arthritis, hypertension, or carpal tunnel syndrome, as well as individuals with mental impairments such as major depression, bipolar (manic-depressive) disorder, and mental retardation. Alcoholics are covered as well as recovering drug addicts. An individual with a disability must be able to perform the essential functions of the job, with or without accommodation, in order to be protected by the ADA. The individual must also be otherwise qualified for the position. This means that an individual must be able to satisfy the job requirements for educational background, employment expe rience, skills, licenses, and any other job-related qualification standards. What qualifies as an essential function? Essential functions are the fundamental job duties of the position. Relevant factors include whether the reason the position exists is to perform that functionthe number of other employees available to perform the function andthe degree of expertise or skill that is required to perform the function. What employment practices are covered? The ADA makes it unlawful to discriminate in all employment practices, including recruitment, hiring, firing, pay, promotions, job assignments, training, leave, layoffs, benefits, etc. In addition, the ADA prohibits an employer from retaliating against an applicant or employee for asserting his or her rights under the ADA. The ADA also makes it unlawful to discriminate against an applicant or employee, whether disabled or notlagelage, because of the individuals relationship or association with an individual with a disability. Wh at does the ADA require an employer to do? Employers covered by the ADA have to make sure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to apply for jobs and to work in jobs for which they are qualifiedhave an equal opportunity to be promotedhave equal access to benefits and privileges of employment that are offered to other employees andare not harassed because of their disability. Further, an employer is also required to provide a reasonable accommodation if a person with a disability needs one in order to apply for a job, perform a job, or enjoy benefits equal to those offered to other employees. An employer does not have to provide any accommodation that would pose an undue hardship. What is a reasonable accommodation? Reasonable accommodations are adjustments or modifications provided by an employer to enable people with disabilities to enjoy equal employment opportunities. Accommodations vary depending upon the needs of the individual applicant or employee. Not all people with disabilities (or even all people who have the same disability) will require the same accommodation. Reasonable accommodations may, under some circumstances, include purchasing equipment or modifying existing equipmentmaking changes to facilities or work areasshifting responsibilities to other employees for minor tasksadjusting arrival or departure times, providing periodic breaks, or altering when certain tasks are performedallowing the employee to telework or work remotely for part or all of the job and/orallowing an employee to use accrued paid leave, and providing additional unpaid leave once an employee has exhausted all available leave. What is an undue hardship under the ADA? Undue hardship is defined as an action requiring significant difficulty or expense when considered in light of such factors as the nature and cost of the accommodation neededimpact of the accommodation on other employees and the organizations ability to conduct business andsize, type and o verall financial resources of the employer. If providing a particular accommodation would result in undue hardship, an employer should consider whether another accommodation exists that would not. Additional Employer Questions About the ADA Can an employer consider health and safety issues in deciding whether to hire an applicant or to retain an employee with a disability? Yes. The ADA permits an employer to require that an individual not pose a direct threat to the health and safety of the individual to other employees, or to the public. A direct threat means a significant risk of substantial harm. When can an employer require a medical examination? The ADA prohibits medical examinations before a job offer was made. After a job has been offered and prior to the start of employment, a medical examination may be required and the job offer may be conditioned on the exam results. An examination must be required of every applicant in the same job category. If the employment offer is withdrawn due to medical findings, the employer must be able to show the rejection was job-related and a business necessity and that there was no reasonable accommodation that would enable the individual to perform the jobs essential functions. In light of the increase in employment lawsuits, effectively documenting this entire consideration is strongly recommended. Under the ADA, employers generally may not require medical examinations of employees except under the following circumstances to determine if the employee can do the essential functions of the job following a leave for illness or injury or if the employees fitness for duty is in questionafter an employee requests an accommodation, to determine if the employee has a disability covered by the ADA and what reasonable accommodations may be requiredif required for employer-provided health or life insurance or for voluntary participation in an employer-sponsored health program andif required by some federal law or regulatio n. In summary, while the ADA can cause employers to pause and worry about compliance, if you have done your level best to operate within the requirements of the law, you are treating employees and potential employees with fairness and justice for all. And, isnt this your core concept of you as an employer? DisclaimerPlease note that the information provided, while authoritative, is not guaranteed for accuracy and legality. The site is read by a world-wide audience andemployment lawsand regulations vary from state to state and country to country and from year to year. Please seek legal assistance, or assistance from State, Federal, or International governmental resources, to make certain your legal interpretation and decisions are correct for your location. This information is for guidance, ideas, and assistance. Furthermore, it is not comprehensive coverage of the subject. - Melvin Muskovitz is a member of Dykema s Labor and Employment Practice Group and represents employers in fe deral and state courts, and before administrative agencies.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

3 Employer Concerns Every Job Candidate Must Address

3 Employer Concerns Every Job Candidate Must Address3 Employer Concerns Every Job Candidate Must AddressImagine you are shopping for an electronic widget and have several models from which to pick. As part of making an intelligent purchasing decision, you would want to know a few basic things about the widgetIs it in my price range?Will it perform as advertised?Will it live up to my expectations?Analogous to these reasonable questions are the concerns of any hiring authority when selecting among a variety of candidates to fill a position.When you look at it from this perspective, you can get a better sense of how to address these concerns in yourrsum, cover letter, LinkedIn profile and interview conversations.1.Is it in my price range? = What are your salary expectations?While unsettling to interviewees, this question is asked to see if a candidate will fall within an employers budget. While you will often be pressed to name a number, what a reasonable interviewer really needs to det ermine is if you are too expensive to hire, or if you will be unreasonable when it gets to final negotiations later on.You are wise to resist naming a particular number or even a range early on. Nonetheless, you should be willing to provide an approximation of your salary history up to this point. Approach the issue from a standpoint of offering and expecting fairness, and stay focused on the overall match rather than a particular price point.2.Will it perform as advertised? = Can you do the job? You can begin to address this with skills sections in yourrsumandLinkedIn profile.But claiming a skill is just that a claim. Thats why you will encounter specific skills testing as part of a technical interview experience, along with thought-provoking questions that will help interviewers determine how your mind organizes its responses to complex problems.Tech companies, as a matter of course, will have candidates stand at a whiteboard to work out problems in real time and monitor their sp eed, thought patterns and results.Questions like, How many windows are there in Manhattan? arent posed to discern if you know facts, but to see how you would go about using the skills and resources at your disposal to come to grips with a complex problem.3. Will the widget live up to expectations? = Will you actually perform well on the job? Of course, no one can ever predict the future with absolute certainty. But we all tend to look to the past as a guide for what to expect in the future.Thats why the most impressiversums are those filled with fact-based accomplishments rather than simple recitations of your current orformer responsibilities.At an interview, youll likely be asked about your greatest accomplishments. Prepare to tell stories rather than brag. Instead of Im the best at ..., go with Here were my challenges, this is what I did and here are my results.If youre the kind of person who has a history of reliability and solid achievement, employers have some basis to hope yo ur performance is likely to continue. And, conversely, if you cant show these things, you raise a red flag.The other aspect of this concern is ongoing reliability. How long will you stay put in the job? Hence, youll encounter the standard question, Where do you see yourself in five years?Everyone knows that no job is forever these days, nor can any employer expect a super long-term commitment from a candidate.However, a recent CareerBuilder survey revealed this unfortunate response of an actual candidate who, told the interviewer he wouldnt be able to stay with the job long, because he thought he might get an inheritance if his uncle died - and his uncle wasnt looking too good.There are few people who love selling themselves. Yet, if you approach the process with the recognition that the employer has legitimate concerns that you can reasonably address, youll be well on your way to engaging in a meaningful dialogue that will move your career forward.Happy huntingArnie Fertig, MPA, is passionate about helping hisJobhuntercoachclients advance their careers by transforming frantic Ill apply to anything searches into focused hunts for great fit opportunities. He brings to each client the extensive knowledge he gained when working in HR staffing and managing his boutique recruiting firm.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Who You Hire Will Determine Whether You Get Hired

Who You Hire Will Determine Whether You Get Hired Who You Hire Will Determine Whether You Get Hired As a senior executive, when you look for your next job, you will be judged by the hires you made at your last job. Here are six key factors to keep in mind.News Flash #1: As the recession recedes, companies will start hiring more employees.News Flash #2: The people you choose to hire will be the single most important factor in your ability to get hired yourself.Of all the things you will do at work in the next six months, hiring the right people will be the most important. As a senior executive, when you look for your next job, you will be judged by the hires you made at your last job. Here are six key factors to keep in mind:1. You are hiring behaviorsValues are beliefs that drive behaviors. When you hire someone, you are hiring his behaviors. People really don’t change as much as we think they are going to. The way a person has consistently acted over the past five years is going to be how she will consistently act over the next five years. Are the person’s behaviors what you w ant in your business?If you think that values and behaviors are just fluff, then let me put it this way. Imagine you are not allowed to fire this new hire for at least three years. Now imagine that everyone knows you hired the person. Consequently, every person who interacts with your new hire is going to see this person’s behavior as representative of you. Are you comfortable having this person you are about to hire represent you to everyone in your company, to every supplier, every customer and every potential new employer? Are the values this person demonstrates in alignment with the values you believe in?Regardless how technically strong or experienced this person is, if you are not OK having him represent you to other people, I suggest you don’t hire the person. Right now there are an incredible number of talented people looking for good jobs.2. Technical skill does matterSometimes managers get so caught up in hiring the “right kind of people,” they forget the person ha s to do a job once he is hired. Know which technical skills are most important for each role in your organization. Then develop interview questions, case studies and role plays to help determine if the individual has the knowledge and skill to handle the technical aspects of the job.You only get to hire so many people. Each new hire is critically important for the short term and long term of both your business and your career. Make sure the person you’re hiring can actually do the job you are hiring her to do.3. Complementary team playerLook at your current team members. Is this new hire going to add some complementary strength to your team, or will he be a repeat of what you already have? If you have a team of good listeners who are great at covering the details but uncomfortable bringing in new business projects, do you really need one more person just like that? Why not search for someone who is different from what you already have? If everyone is extroverted, would your group benefit from someone who is really willing to listen to a variety of opinions and then respond in a thoughtful and logical manner?Think through not just what the individual brings to your team, but also consider the ramifications of adding this particular set of strengths and passions to the group as it stands right now. You might want someone who is just like the other members of the group. Maybe you want every team member to be a hard-changing, outgoing salesperson. Perhaps you have decided that bringing in someone who is dramatically different from the members of your team would be a catastrophic move. On the other hand, you might feel diversity is of value in building the business in a sustainable manner. You have to make the call.4. Do a “passion audit”Behaving the right way and having the ability to do the job will increase the chances that the person will do at least an OK job. Of course, doing just an “OK job” is not going to help your business achieve great results in the future or help you impress a manager on your next job interview. You need people who are both competent and passionate about the roles into which you are going to put them.A time-honored interview question is, “What are you good at doing?” One of my favorites is, “What are you passionate about doing?” One of my clients asks that question of every potential new hire. If the person is not passionate about anything, then my client questions whether the person will bring real passion to working for his company.Ask the person, “Why us? Why do you want to work here? What is it about our company that you like?” You will see very quickly if the person has any real passion for your organization and/or the role for which she is being considered. Without passion, what are the odds of the person delivering the kind of performance that will make you look good? My hunch is that the odds are very, very low.5. Avoid easy hires just because they are easyThere is a temptation comin g out of a very tough economic period to help friends and family members. Indeed, those are the individuals who may have helped you get through this recession. However, just because you know them well doesn’t mean they are necessarily the best individuals to hire. They may have passion to have a job, but they may not have passion or competency for the job you need to fill right now.6. Be patient in your talent searchJust because you suddenly have money to go out and hire some new talent doesn’t mean you have to go do it. Take your time and hire the right person for the job. Never forget: That hire could dramatically affect the future success or failure of your career. The next hire you make may determine whether you are hired.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Punitive UCMJ Article 128 - Assault

Punitive UCMJ Article 128 - Assault Punitive UCMJ Article 128 - Assault Though there are several types of assault that accompany an assault charge under the UCMJ violation - Article 128, there is typically little grey area to if you actually hit someone or pointed a weapon at them. The grey area is the attempt of an assault. Attempting to cause bodily harm can at times be difficult to prove, but that may be the only part of an assault charge to prove challenging to charge someone with. Assault charges have the following elements: “(a) Any person subject to this chapter who attempts or offers with unlawful force or violence to do bodily harm to another person, whether or not the attempt or offer is consummated, is guilty of assault and shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. (b) Any person subject to this chapter who- (1) commits an assault with a dangerous weapon or other means or force likely to produce death or grievous bodily harm; or (2) commits an assault and intentionally inflicts grievous bodily harm with or without a weapon; is guilty of aggravated assault and shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.” There are different levels of assault. From soldier to soldier, soldier to spouse, soldier to civilian, soldier to superior ranking member of the service, soldier to a Military Police officer, and soldier to a military member on duty to name a few. Each will have varying degrees of punishment. Here are the many varieties: (1) Simple assault. (a) That the accused attempted or offered to do bodily harm to a certain person; and (b) That the attempt or offer was done with unlawful force or violence. (2) Assault consummated by a battery. (a) That the accused did bodily harm to a certain person; and (b) That the bodily harm was done with unlawful force or violence. (3) Assaults permitting increased punishment based on status of victim. (a) Assault upon a commissioned, warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer. (b) Assault upon a sentinel or lookout in the execution of duty, or upon a person in the execution of law enforcement duties. (c) Assault consummated by a battery upon a child under 16 years. (i) That the accused attempted to do, offered to do, or did bodily harm to a certain person;(iii) That the person was a commissioned, warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer; and(iv) That the accused then knew that the person was a commissioned, warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer.(i) That the accused attempted to do, offered to do, or did bodily harm to a certain person;(iii) That the person was a sentinel or look-out in the execution of duty or was a person who then had and was in the execution of security police, military police, shore patrol, master at arms, or other military or civilian law enforcement duties; and(iv) That the accused then knew that the person was a sentinel or lookout in the execution of duty or was a person who then had and was in the execution of security police, military police, shore patrol, master at arms, or other military or civilian law enforcement duties.(i) That the accused did bodily harm to a certain person; (ii) That the attempt, offer, or bodily harm was done with unlawful force or violence;(ii) That the attempt, offer, or bodily harm was done with unlawful force or violence;(ii) That the bodily harm was done with unlawful force or violence; and(iii) That the person was then a child under the age of 16 years. (4) Aggravated assault. (a) Assault with a dangerous weapon or other means of force likely to produce death or grievous bodily harm. (b) Assault in which grievous bodily harm is intentionally inflicted. (i) That the accused attempted to do, offered to do, or did bodily harm to a certain person;(iii) That the attempt, offer, or bodily harm was done with unlawful force or violence; and(iv) That the weapon, means, or force was used in a manner likely to produce death or grievous bodily harm.(Note: When a loaded firearm was used, add the following element)(v) That the weapon was a loaded firearm.(i) That the accused assaulted a certain person;(ii) That the accused did so with a certain weapon, means, or force;(ii) That grievous bodily harm was thereby inflicted upon such person;(iii) That the grievous bodily harm was done with unlawful force or violence; and(iv) That the accused, at the time, had the specific intent to inflict grievous bodily harm. (Note: When a loaded firearm was used, add the following element)(v) That the injury was inflicted with a loaded firearm. Explanation. (1) Simple assault. (a) Definition of assault. An “assault” is an attempt or offer with unlawful force or violence to do bodily harm to another, whether or not the attempt or offer is consummated. It must be done without legal justification or excuse and without the lawful consent of the person affected. “Bodily harm” means any offensive touching of another, however slight. (b) Difference between “attempt” and “offer” type assaults. (ii) Offer type assault. An “offer” type assault is an unlawful demonstration of violence, either by an intentional or by a culpably negligent act or omission, which creates in the mind of another a reasonable apprehension of receiving immediate bodily harm. Specific intent to inflict bodily harm is not required.(i) Attempt type assault. An “attempt” type assault requires a specific intent to inflict bodily harm, and an overt act- that is, an act that amounts to more than mere preparation and apparently tends to effect the intended bodily harm. An attempt type assault may be committed even though the victim had no knowledge of the incident at the time. (c)  Situations not amounting to assault. (i)  Mere preparation. Preparation not amounting to an overt act, such as picking up a stone without any attempt or offer to throw it, does not constitute an assault. (ii)  Threatening words. The use of threatening words alone does not constitute an assault. However, if the threatening words are accompanied by a menacing act or gesture, there may be an assault, since the combination constitutes a demonstration of violence. (iii)  Circumstances negating intent to harm. If the circumstances known to the person menaced clearly negate an intent to do bodily harm there is no assault. Thus, if a person accompanies an apparent attempt to strike another by an unequivocal announcement in some form of an intention not to strike, there is no assault. For example, if Doe raises a stick and shakes it at Roe within striking distance saying, “If you weren’t an old man, I would knock you down,” Doe has committed no assault. However, an offer to inflict bodily injury upon another instantly if that person does not comply with a demand which the assailant has no lawful right to make is an assault. Thus, if Doe points a pistol at Roe and says, “If you don’t hand over your watch, I will shoot you,” Doe has committed an assault upon Roe.  See also -  paragraph 47(robbery) of this part. (d)  Situations not constituting defenses to assault. (i)  Assault attempt fails. It is not a defense to a charge of assault that for some reason unknown to the assailant, an assault attempt was bound to fail. Thus, if a person loads a rifle with what is believed to be a good cartridge and, pointing it at another, pulls the trigger, that person may be guilty of assault although the cartridge was defective and did not fire. Likewise, if a person in a house shoots through the roof at a place where a policeman is believed to be, that person may be guilty of assault even though the policeman is at another place on the roof. (ii)  Retreating victim. An assault is complete if there is a demonstration of violence and an apparent ability to inflict bodily injury causing the person at whom it was directed to reasonably apprehend that unless the person retreats bodily harm will be inflicted. This is true even though the victim re-treated and was never within actual striking distance of the assailant. There must, however, be an apparent present ability to inflict the injury. Thus, to aim a pistol at a person at such a distance that it clearly could not injure would not be an assault. (2)  Battery. (a)  In general. A “battery” is an assault in which the attempt or offer to do bodily harm is consummated by the infliction of that harm. (b)  Application of force. The force applied  in  a battery may have been directly or indirectly applied. Thus, a battery can be committed by inflicting bodily injury on a person through striking the horse on which the person is mounted causing the horse to throw the person, as well as by striking the person directly. (c)  Examples of battery. It may be a battery to spit on another, push a third person against another, set a dog at another which bites the person, cut another’s cloths while the person is wearing them though without touching or intending to touch the person, shoot a person, cause a person to take poison, or drive an automobile into a person. A person who, although excused in using force, uses more force than is required, commits a battery. Throwing an object into a crowd may be a battery on anyone whom the object hits. (d)  Situations not constituting battery. If bodily harm is inflicted unintentionally and without culpable negligence, there is no battery. It is also not a battery to touch another to attract the other’s attention or to prevent injury. (3)  Assaults permitting increased punishment based on status of victims. (a)  Assault upon a commissioned, warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer. The maximum punishment is increased when assault is committed upon a commissioned officer of the armed forces of the United States, or of a friendly foreign power, or upon a warrant, noncommissioned, or petty officer of the armed forces of the United States. Knowledge of the status of the victim is an essential element of the offense and may be proved by circumstantial evidence. It is not necessary that the victim be superior in rank or command to the accused, that the victim be in the same armed force, or that the victim be in the execution of office at the time of the assault. (b)  Assault upon a sentinel or lookout in the execution of duty, or upon a person in the execution of law enforcement duties. The maximum punishment is increased when assault is committed upon a sentinel or lookout in the execution of duty or upon a person who was then performing security police,  military police, shore patrol, master at arms, or other military or civilian law enforcement duties. Knowledge of the status of the victim is an essential element of this offense and may be proved by circumstantial evidence.  See -  paragraph 38c(4)for the definition of “sentinel or lookout.” (c)  Assault consummated by a battery upon a child under 16 years of age. The maximum punishment is increased when assault consummated by a battery is committed upon a child under 16 years of age. Knowledge that the person assaulted was under 16 years of age is not an element of this offense. (4)  Aggravated assault. (a)  Assault with a dangerous weapon or other means or force likely to produce death or grievous bodily harm. (b)  Assault in which grievous bodily harm is intentionally inflicted. (ii)  Other means or force. The phrase “other means or force” may include any means or instrumentality not normally considered a weapon. When the natural and probable consequence of a particular use of any means or force would be death or grievous bodily harm, it may be inferred that the means or force is “likely” to produce that result. The use to which a certain kind of instrument is ordinarily put is irrelevant to the question of its method of employment in a particular case. Thus, a bottle, beer glass, a rock, a bunk adaptor, a piece of pipe, a piece of wood, boiling water, drugs, or a rifle butt may be used in a manner likely to inflict death or grievous bodily harm. On the other hand, an unloaded pistol, when presented as a firearm and not as a bludgeon, is not a dangerous weapon or a means of force likely to produce grievous bodily harm, whether or not the assailant knew it was unloaded.(iii)  Grievous bodily harm. “Grievous bodily harm” means serious bodily injury . It does not include minor injuries, such as a black eye or a bloody nose, but does include fractured or dislocated bones, deep cuts, torn members of the body, serious damage to internal organs, and other serious bodily injuries.(iv)  Death or injury not required. It is not necessary that death or grievous bodily harm be actually inflicted to prove assault with a dangerous weapon or means likely to produce grievous bodily harm.(i)  Dangerous weapon. A weapon is dangerous when used in a manner likely to produce death or grievous bodily harm.(i)  In general. It must be proved that the accused specifically intended to and did inflict  grievous bodily harm.   (ii)  Proving intent. Specific intent may be proved by circumstantial evidence. When grievous bodily harm has been inflicted by means of intentionally using force in a manner likely to achieve that result, it may be inferred that grievous bodily harm was intended. On the other hand, that inference might not be drawn if a person struck another with a fist in a sidewalk fight even if the victim fell so that the victim’s head hit the curbstone and a skull fracture resulted. It is possible, however, to commit this kind of aggravated assault with the fists, as when the victim is held by one of several assailants while the others beat the victim with their fists and break a nose, jaw, or rib. (iii)  Grievous bodily harm. See  subparagraph (4)(a)(iii). Maximum punishment. (1)  Simple assault. (A)  Generally. Confinement for 3 months and forfeiture of two-thirds pay per month for 3 months. (B)  When committed with an unloaded firearm. Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 3 years. (2)  Assault consummated by a battery.  Bad conduct  discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 6 months. (3)  Assault upon a commissioned officer of the armed forces of the United States or of a friendly foreign power, not in the execution of office. Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 3 years. (4)  Assault upon a warrant officer, not in the execution of office. Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 18 months. (5)  Assault upon a noncommissioned or petty officer, not in the execution of office. Bad-conduct discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 6 months. (6)  Assault upon a sentinel or lookout in the execution of duty, or upon any person who, in the execution of office, is performing security police, military police, shore patrol, master at arms, or other military or civilian law enforcement duties. Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 3 years. (7)  Assault consummated by a battery upon a child under 16 years. Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 2 years. (8)  Assault with a dangerous weapon or other means of force to produce death or grievous bodily harm. (a)  When committed with a loaded firearm. Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 8 years. (b)  Other cases. Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 3 years. (b)  Other cases. Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 5 years.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Birth of the Bacterial Circuit

Birth of the Bacterial Circuit Birth of the Bacterial Circuit Neon lime-green lozenges rush up against bright, sky-blue snake eggs, they flash and swirl about each other like a glowing animated Starry Night. The swaths of green and blue bulbs seem to communicate, turning each other off and on, a microscopic dance of light, screaming for a score by Philip Glass. The scene, created at the Biodesign Lab at Rice University, is an operating circuit, but not the kind you first built with your Science Fair 160 in One Electronic Project Kit. No, this one is made of bacteria. E. Coli, actually. Modified, of course. Mathew Bennett, a synthetic biologist at Rice, created the colorful, flashing, bacterial circuit by borrowing some quorum sensing genes from bacteria in the wild. Typically, bacterial colonies use these genes to sense and signal their own size. As the colonies grow, they will sort of know. And when the concentrations reach a certain level, then things happen, he says. To make sure the bacteria in the lab would do such signaling at their beck and call, Bennett and his colleagues spliced the quorum sensing genes into E. coli bacteria, who do not naturally do any quorum sensing. They made two strains. One strain, the activator, would encourage the expression of a certain gene. The other strain, the repressor, would mitigate the expression of that same gene. Now the two strains of E. coli could communicate with each other by emitting small molecules that are metabolized by the cells. The thing that is oscillating is protein expression, says Bennett. There are proteins in the cells and the level is going up and down. The two colonies end up trading protein expression in an ongoing dialogue. Rice University biologist Matthew Bennett (left), and graduate student Ye Chen check a community of bacteria bred to become a multicellular circuit. Image: Jeff Fitlow / Rice University The oscillating protein expression, when left alone, is not such an easy thing to detect. So, with the 12 genes that make up the network added to the E. coli, Bennett included genes for the expression of fluorescing proteins. The blinking florescence makes the oscillating protein expression visually obvious to the researchers and anyone else. But making the flashing Lite-Brite work took some finessing. Our first attempts did not do what we wanted them to do, says Bennett. The role of one of the signals that gets sent out from one of the strains is to turn off a gene in the other strain. It didnt work as well as it should have. It turned it off, but only half way. In redesigning and repeating the experiment many times over, We learned a lot about how to do things. So what does one do with two bacterial strains that have been successfully engineered and tweaked to flip each other on and off? This research is fairly basic, says Bennett. Any applications are fairly far away. But people are excited and they can see where this type of research could lead. The first and most obvious application would be the medical management of gut bacteria. A doctor could prescribe a yogurt, for instance, that could interact with other bacteria in the digestive tract to create a desired balance. Controlling such interactions could prove more beneficial than simply adding a probiotic. Also, the secretion of medications could be fine-tuned to coincide with specific internal scenarios. Beyond that are pie-in-the-sky applications that involve much more complicated things that we cant imagine right now, says Bennett. The stunning neon show, unfortunately, was for verification purposes only. The eye-candy produced by the oscillations of the circuit is not likely to advertise the latest Broadway show or appear over some Las Vegas establishment. We have neon signs that work pretty well but dont smell like E. coli, says Bennett. Michael Abrams is an independent writer. Learn about the latest trends in bioengineering at ASMEs Global Congress onNanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology. For Further Discussion The thing that is oscillating is protein expression. There are proteins in the cells and the level is going up and down.Mathew Bennett, Rice University

Sunday, November 17, 2019

5 Signs its Time to Leave Your Company

5 Signs its Time to Leave Your Company 5 Signs its Time to Leave Your Company No one’s disputing that life would be easier if we all had our own crystal balls. Had Molly Brown had one, she definitely wouldn’t have boarded the “unsinkable” Titanic, no matter how luxuriously tempting its promise.Same holds true for our jobs. If only we could know ahead of time what disasters loom, or whether the departments or companies we’re in are doomed to fail, we’d jump ship- or never get on it in the first place.The truth is, though, we’re often given clues. Sometimes, all around us, there’s water leaking in and rats running to higher ground. As is often the case, what we need really isn’t our own crystal balls, but it’s to look up, read the writing on the wall (the one spelling out S-I-N-K-I-N-G-S-H-I-P), and start looking for a new ride.Here are five signs that the corporate ship you’re on is no longer sea-worthy, and that it may be time to set sail on another boat.1. Your company’s product or service becomes obsolete- and there’s no talk of bui lding a better mousetrap.So your company makes 8-track tapes? Nylon typewriter ribbons? Okay. That doesn’t necessarily mean impending doom, unless the dying or dead product is accompanied by one of these additional factors: The C-suite is convinced those 8-tracks will make a comeback, those nylon ribbons are the only thing it produces, or your company isn’t even remotely interested in developing enhancements or new products for the changing market.2. Your company’s got its old competition- plus a whole new crop of leaner, meaner rivals.Look around your industry. Maybe you used to be the only game in town or one of a few options. But suddenly, you notice that everyone and their brother seems to be offering what you do. And worse, they seem to be faster, smarter, and looking so sexy you find yourself wanting what they’re offering. Soon, your company’s market share is barely treading water- or even dipping well below sea level. Sure it may be temporary, or it may be the econo my, but if your company’s mantra is “this, too, shall pass,” you may be the ones to get passed up.3. Your company looks at new opportunities in terms of how they impact legacy systems and businesses, rather than what customers will need on the horizon.It’s true: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. But what if that bird in your hand has the flu, can no longer fly more than a few hundred yards, and stopped laying eggs long ago? That new bush and its two little birdies are starting to look like they hold a lot more promise as future customers- and your company ought to consider wooing them its top priority. Focusing on legacy systems, businesses, and already-on-board-but-not-doing-much customers may keep that bird in the hand alive a bit longer, but that’s a far cry from making any progress toward the future.4. Your company spends too much time deciding where to cut, yet no time exploring where to invest and grow.Reporting, justifying spending, and tightening belts a re all necessary evils in business. But when they become the focus and “cut, cut, cut” is the only strategy, it’s as if you’re tightening that belt around your throat. Companies led by bean counters who are only paying attention to the numbers, rather than the people, products, innovations, and marketing messages responsible for growing those numbers, have little chance at survival. It’s the firms who look at long-term growth and holistic business performance in addition to the immediate bottom line that are set up for success.5. Your company has lost sight of the power of its people.Companies who thrive do so because of their people. When a company seldom engages its employees and when its plans for keeping and developing its talent are non-existent, the best and brightest will always inevitably leave “to pursue other interests.” Pay attention to who is getting hired, who is getting fired or leaving on their own, and what is or isn’t being communicated and shared. T hat, perhaps more than any other sign, is an insight into the inner workings of your company.Is your corporate ship sinking? Heed the warning signs, and if yours seems a bit lost at sea, start firing off those flares and sending out the S.O.S. Because just over the horizon, that new ship you’re meant to board is waiting for a new first-class mate.Photo of woman working courtesy of Shutterstock.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Old College Try Start Thinking About Your Personal Brand

The Old College Try Start Thinking About Your Personal Brand The Old College Try Start Thinking About Your Personal Brand 1Students enjoying their first semester of college probably arent thinking too much about their time after college. But  perhaps they  should. New recruiting practices and workplace innovations mean it’s never too soon to think about your personal brand and how you appear to prospective employers- and that train of thought  is just as important  for any job seeker. Recruiters aren’t waiting until the spring anymore to visit college campuses, and students shouldn’t wait until their junior and senior years to create their personal brand or develop a resume, according to  Susie Clarke, director of undergraduate career services at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business. Recruitment Begins Early With 70 percent of recruiting taking place in the fall semester, the Kelley School focuses on preparing students to meet company recruiters  and consider long-term career options as soon as possible. Through its Kelley Compass program, the college helps undergraduates at every level, with best practices for resumes, interview coaching, and tips for networking. In fact, skills-building begins at the freshman level, Clarke said. While students just starting out don’t have a lot of work experience to put on a resume, the careers services center will help them develop a LinkedIn profile. Exploring clubs and organizations that align with their interests, job shadowing, and thinking about the future will help flesh out those profiles. Clarke advises that students take time to figure out their passions and what will make a career meaningful to them- and know how to communicate that clearly. “At the freshmen level, it’s all about personal branding.”   In sophomore and junior years, students should become more focused on tailoring their resumes and honing their interview skills. In addition, networking and leveraging school organizations, and connecting with diverse activities across the college campus will further prepare students for finding the right career, Clarke said. She suggests students look into peer and alumni organizations, and build professional networks by attending career fairs and connecting on social media. Plus, well-rounded job candidates will have experience with clubs and activities that go beyond classwork. Companies are looking for employees who can work with colleagues with differing backgrounds in cohesive teams, she said.   Practice Makes Perfect Above all, practice is key, Clarke added. Skills-building “is continuous. It never stops.” This is critical as the workplace continues to evolve. More companies are going virtual, and more employees are demanding more remote and flexible working options. It’s starting at the interview point, said Clarke, who said she has seen more and more interviews conducted  online. In addition, workers are asking employers about work-from-home and flexible schedules. “This generation is really pushing it,” she said. Reinforcing the career lessons learned in college can help students in school and beyond, Clarke said. Preparation, practice, and awareness: “That gives them an advantage in the workplace.” Readers, what preparation tips would you give to job seekers  about building their  personal brand? Comment below to let us know.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Can An Employee Bounce Back From a Demotion

Can An Employee Bounce Back From a Demotion Can An Employee Bounce Back From a Demotion But, it doesnt have to be this way as employees can indeed bounce back from a demotion, but it takes effort and commitment from both the employee and employer to make it happen. Lets begin with what employees can do to help themselves bounce back from a demotion. For starters, face up to what has happened, and dont catastrophize. Take stock of where you were and where you are now in terms of salary, duties and responsibilities, and remember you may have the opportunity to progress again. The door is closed for now but not for ever. Most successful people have one or more failed projects on their resume, theres even a book written on this very phenomenon which was reviewed in this Forbes article, Why The road To Success is Paved With Failure. Second, accept whats happened and grieve for your loss but dont dwell on it. Draw a line in the sand. That was yesterday and this is today and time to move onward and upward. Think, you are now back down at the level where you were once a higher performer (or else you wouldnt have been promoted), and you can soon start performing well again and repair/remember your sense of value and worth. Then look forward. The door to your future career has been closed but not locked and you can still progress again in the future. But, you should learn lessons from your failure. After the dust has settled, talk to your boss and find out why you were demoted and what were your weak and strong areas. Looking forward, you should ideally consider roles which play to your strengths give you a much greater chance of success. Alternately, you can look to develop your weak areas and gain more experience so you are better prepared to step up to the role for a future date. You still have much to aspire to, even after a demotion. As for what the employer or manager can do, you can help demoted employees along this journey with several key interventions. You could consider providing them with a bridging/transitional salary to help offset the gap between their old and new lower salary. Reiterate that the doors to progression are still open to them although they may need to develop more skills first or choose pathways more suited to their strengths. Give them advice and career support in developing areas of weakness and identifying future roles that may play more to their strengths. Recognize their value in their new role, both personally and privately and remind them and peers of the success they once had at the organization. Show the demoted employee and the wider organization that you are behind them. Give them meaningful work and clear goals    to show them that they are a valued contributor to the organization. This should help to restore their sense of self worth.  Also provide some projects where they can make some quick wins as  studies show  that this will boost confidence and performance. So, with both the employee and employer committed to the cause, a failed employee can bounce back from a demotion.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

People dislike these new ads that glorify workaholics

People dislike these new ads that glorify workaholics People dislike these new ads that glorify workaholics An ad campaign by freelance services company Fiverr  this week wanted to give a shoutout to the “doers” - the people who work tirelessly to make things happen.  You know the type: “You eat a coffee for lunch. You follow through on your follow through. Sleep deprivation is your drug of choice. You might be a doer.”That’s what one advertisement in particular, which pictures a young woman with messy hair, said, which went viral after someone tweeted a photo of it in a subway,  according to website attn:But instead of winning over adherents, the ad campaign was derided for glorifying the culture of workaholism - a message no one wants to hear any more in the most overworked country in the world.Fiverr’s edgy advertising styleProvocative advertising is an established part of the company’s brand.A video ad  on the  Fiverr  website begins with a little girl approaching a woman with a drawing. The woman pushes the drawing out of the girl’s hand as her doe-eyed look turns in to a frown.A  female narrator  says , “Got an idea? Isn’t that cute. My little sister has ideas. You? You have a business to build.”Later on in the ad, the female narrator says, “Cancel the brainstorm. The only one who can do this is you,” as a woman slices a whiteboard with a chainsaw.Using words like “cute” and a machine with sharp edges to get the company’s message could be perceived as an edgy strategy.The name of the campaign,  which also appears on the ad with the young woman, is “In Doers We Trust.”  It raised the hackles of many workers who have already been told for too long to work constantly and let everything else in their lives drop. Even if necessary for some to survive financially, it’s not pleasant - and  made some question why the company is celebrating this lifestyle.The company commented on the campaign:“Fiverr is a marketplace for talented freelancers and bootstrapping entrepreneurs who pursue their dreams and passions, value flexibilit y, rapid experimentation, and doing more with less. Our ‘In Doers We Trust’ campaign targets customers, those entrepreneurs who are starting a business from scratch and recognize the kind of work ethic it takes to bring an idea to life,” Fiverr told Ladders.But the company seems to have triggered dissatisfaction with a larger issue: the difficulty of making a living on “gigs” alone, and how it wears down workers - particularly young ones.  The “gig economy”Trying to survive on freelance work can be difficult, particularly for young people who are part of the “gig economy.” Task work requires a heavy workload, pays less than full-time work, and does not come with healthcare. Gig workers also frequently have to deal with difficult taxes at the end of the year.Let’s get one thing straight: the gig economy isn’t making anyone rich. The pay for gig work is low, and people from lower-income backgrounds are more likely to rely on getting gigs to pay the bills.America ns who live in households making  $30,000 or less every year are “more than twice as likely to engage in technology-enabled gig work, compared with those living in households earning $75,000 per year or more,”  according to a  2016 report by the Pew Research Center.And the burden is disproportionate for younger workers: In the last year, “fully 12% of 18- to 29-year-olds have earned money doing online tasks, but that share falls to 4% for Americans ages 30 to 49 and just 1% among those 50 and older,” according to a  2016 report by the Pew Research Center.Nor is the gig economy limited to the United States.A 2016 McKinsey Report found that “…up to 162 million people in Europe and the United States- or 20 to 30 percent of the working-age population- engage in some form of independent work.” With so many people relying on this part-time labor as a form of income, let’s just say some felt it was too soon to make light of the exhaustion it causes.What other people are say ing:So Fiverr’s “In Doers We Trust” campaign was enough to get some people’s blood boiling.A freelancer  spoke up about why he thinks  the company’s message didn’t apply to him.Another user played up the sarcasm:Wherever you stand on  Fiverr’s “In Doers We Trust” campaign, one thing is certain: people have had different experiences hustling in the freelance world, but being frazzled is far from something they wear as a badge of honor.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

10 things you need to know if youre moving abroad

10 things you need to know if you're moving abroad 10 things you need to know if you're moving abroad Moving your whole life from one country to another can truly be an exciting part of your life but also a stressful time, so you want to make sure you have everything in order before you settle down in the new country. If you ask us, this is is imperative if you want to start on the right foot.The experts at Property Turkey have listed their Top 10 things you should be aware of before heading off on your new adventure.1. Passports VisasMaking sure your passports have been updated, and visas have been bought prior to travel is essential for allowing you to settle in that country. It would be best to get these done sooner rather than later to prevent last-minute stresses that you don’t need.2. Local customsIf you plan to work overseas you should really get to know the local business customs of your new home, it’s important to observe international business customs to develop successful relationships.3. UK tax requirementsSo you’re moving to another country, but this doesn’t mea n that you can escape your tax responsibilities from home. It would be best to check with an advisor on this to understand how it will work for you in your new country of residence.4. Medical health insuranceDepending on what country you are living in you will need to decide which medical insurance to take and what would be best for you which may also depend on your line of work. You shouldn’t assume you’re automatically covered by the country’s health system, as each country has its own unique set of requirements for receiving care.5. PetsIf you’re planning on bringing your pets along with you, there are a number of things you will need to consider and organize prior to moving day such as transportation, immunization and also cost of living for pets in the country your settling in.6. Driving and getting aroundIf you’re planning on driving in the country you’re moving to, it would be a good idea to broaden your knowledge on the local driving laws and regulations. The in ternational driving license is recognized internationally however you may also need to purchase a local driving license as well.7. Cost of livingBefore you head off to your new place of residence, you really need to fully understand your future financial situation, you will need to figure out the various different costs of food, fuel, drink and general life pleasantries to ensure your new wage will cover this.8. VaccinationsBefore leaving you should arrange an appointment with your doctor to see if you will need any vaccinations prior to the move. If you are moving somewhere tropical it may be worth a visit as it will be a lot harder to find somewhere to get vaccinated once out there.9. AccessibilityYou may wish to return to the UK occasionally, as well as your family and friends booking flights to come over and see you â€" before you decide on your new country of residence, it may be worth looking into flight prices and accessibility to the airport to make sure this is feasible.10. LanguageIf you are moving to a country with a foreign language, it is always worth learning vital elements of the language, especially if you plan to live there long term. There are many language pocket books available where you can learn the basics so you’re not a complete fish out of water.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Resume Paper at a Glance

Resume Paper at a Glance Imagine submitting the same resume to each potential employer and the way you may be missing some rather valuable points on your resume. Additionally, there's an initial fee of approximately $350 to start the procedure to become a Certified Professional Resume Writer. You should also appear at your e-mail contact details. Specify the utmost on the internet in the purchase form to have the maximum benefits. You have to be sure your final resume is one that is going to impress prospective employers, not turn them off due to grammatical errors and so on. Cover letter is essential when it has to do with giving a possible employer a synopsis of your skills which may qualify you for the position. Next, because of advanced search algorithms you can go on the internet and find job openings from all over the planet in a couple of minutes. Life, Death and Resume Paper Preparation contributes to confidence. As you start to piece your resume together, you'l l have the fundamental information required for it. When it has to do with using your resume to submit an application for work, it's important to keep in mind that form matters equally as much as content. The research materials are entirely encompassing and outline each facet of the resume writing process. Additionally, there are more complicated rules to bear in mind that could boost your resume's effectiveness. You'll do a wonderful short-term job very quickly and you will have a good deal of fun doing it. Should you feel your skills aren't strong enough to create a quality resume get a person to help you. There are a couple of practices you can employ when making yourself stick out in the work hunting pool. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Resume Paper As the overall rule of thumb it's a terrible concept to continue to keep your document overly long. You are able to make your name and contact information slightly larger so that they stick out on the we bpage. For example, you could center and bold it at the very top of the page before your formal letter. In virtually every scenario, it is wise to limit your resume to a single page. Things You Should Know About Resume Paper Great quality resume paper will make you stumble across schlumpy and slouchy. When buying a box of resume paper, you ought to make sure it's the very best fit for you and your work history. A lot of people are lazy and will just utilize regular paper. An individual who really wishes to find the job should place importance on the kind of paper which he's printing the resume. Use resume paper which has a smooth finish. Rather than working with the thinnest part of copy paper you'll be able to find, utilize a great thick bit of resume superior paper that's either an extremely bright white or a light gray. Fine paper is commonly ideal for brochures and flyers due to its durability. 1 Resume paper is made particularly to print resumes on. Hearsay, Lies and Resume Paper The examination to be a Certified Professional Resume Writer is composed of two parts. There is a good deal of work which goes into become a Certified Professional Resume Writer. Make sure you realize the work description. Decide on the particular job title you need to submit an application for. An academic or scientific CV is not the same story. The goal of our inexpensive thesis papers may be to give help to figure out your thesis paper. You shouldn't abandon your thesis once it gets to be quite really hard. Despite the fact that you chance to be considering implementing our economical thesis solutions, now we've collected some thoughts on the way you can earn thesis writing a bit much simpler. The perfect way to secure a possibility of an interview is to make certain that the very first page of your resume catches the employer's eye. Superior cover letters for resumes will provide the possible employer a feeling of what things to expect if he or she does actually call you in for an interview. The very first thing you have to do before you've got an interview scheduled is display professionalism. Also, remember you're on your interview from the moment that you depart from your car. Thus, the graduate will definitely have to keep gas in the vehicle, not expect their parents to chronically foot the bill. Consequently, practice verbalizing your philosophy before you're even requested to interview. Make sure you leave sufficient time with the paper, as you should get to learn the guide a few times.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Argument About How to Make a Resume on Word

The Argument About How to Make a Resume on Word If you wish to create a swanky new resume that's stylish and attractive then stop at this time! When you're asking for a job which relies on the strengths of the person, you require a resume template you can inject a little more personality into to make it pop'. Its content-packed layout is ideal for engaging employers with different facts, from experience to education. A good resume that's clear concise and simple to read is essential when searching for a job. If you're a work seeker, applying for a job can be a difficult process. You're searching for an internship or entry level job which usually means you have just a couple of years experience. A functional resume isn't organized by the various jobs you have held. The procedure for requesting a job is stressful and time consuming. In every form of resume, you should keep in mind that you're aiming to impress the employee. Rather than that, you use the name of a particular skill for each heading. First you have to discover the job which you like and then set about portraying yourself in an appealing way in order for the employer will not have any choice but they give you the very best job! In case you have any volunteer work or whether you've been a working student before, do not neglect to list them down in your experience resume. A resume for any post has to be sent after making some important points sure like spell check, appropriate formatting, correct length, easy and straightforward. It's really useful info, when we're speaking about saving your time and making a well-written resume. While info about the job history, accomplishments and references is found in the second column. You also receive a feeling of what information you don't have to include. It is possible to enter your social networking profile address for an extra point of contact. You may leave every one of them as is or customize a small bit to be able to bring a personal touch to the presentation of your candidacy. Try to remember, as soon as you've finished personalizing your resume, you're not prepared to fill out an application yet. The most essential part of any application is the cover letter. If you aim to make a new CV or maybe to refresh an existing one, have a look at the Fancy template. In the event that you didn't locate the template that you require, feel free to bring a look at the section on the website. If there's a contest for a position, your CV will enable you to stick out from the crowd. There you will find an ideal theme for your CV. If you want to save a duplicate of the resume to your hard disk then opt for the option Download a Copy. As soon as you have modified the standard resume template that you found on the net, make it simple on your upcoming self and save a number of versions of your resume. Organizing is an issue of arranging and sequencing data. When you're crafting your resume, you are going to want to make certain you're including the proper info. A template is able to help you craft the ideal nursing resume to submit to a possible employer. What You Need to Know About How to Make a Resume on Word You're now able to earn a fantastic first impact with professional styling and personalized appearance. When you're looking for a new job, it is crucial to compose a great resume to receive your foot in the door. Sometimes words aren't the most efficient approach to communicate. There are lots of beautiful resume templates out there, but nevertheless, it can be simple to feel as a lot of the grea test cost a ridiculous quantity of money, require special design programs in order to edit, or both. You'd need to do the formatting work yourself. Creating a resume can be a difficult job. Because of the use of the 2 columns, all entries are scannable and extremely apparent. Thanks to the use of the two columns they are scannable and extremely clear.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The True Story About Summary in Resume That the Experts Dont Want You to Hear

The True Story About Summary in Resume That the Experts Don't Want You to Hear If you intend to join a new business and craft a resume, visit the site and have a look at the Resume Summary Examples. To put it simply, resume summaries are the absolute most efficient way to begin a resume. You're going to compose a resume summary which gets many more interviews. People reading your summary would love to find out more about you than what they are able to find on your resume. Here's What I Know About Summary in Resume You are able to mention the names of the businesses and customers, names of your prior employers. Focus on how you're an advantage to the companynot the way the firm can help you. Make certain it's tailored to not merely the position, but the business also. You would like to utilize your summary to demonstrate which you are well-qualified for a business analyst job, preferably the particular small business analyst job you're applying to. Summary in Resume Featur es A summary statement is a brief expert introduction that you may increase the peak of your resume. Many elements, including the simple fact that you can not have written a summary before. 1 A resume summary is a brief, snappy introduction paragraph that offers a summary of your very best work. Furthermore, look at the next additional blurbs you may want to grow the conclusion of your professional overview to further clarify your intent and value. The War Against Summary in Resume Utilizing an online resume builder is a powerful tool to assist you compose a winning resume. OurA Sample ResumesA for skilled summary come with each available examples from various job categories that could secure any user covered. You may choose to think about employing a professionally designed resume template to receive the best possible layout and appearance you can. If you are not certain about which resume template is appropriate for you or the industry you need to work in, then read our e xpert tips about choosing the right resume template to meet your style. The Basic Principles of Summary in Resume You Will be Able to Benefit From Beginning Immediately You may want to look at a qualifications summary which we outlined in last week's postbut if you simply need to have a summaryhere are a number of examples to help you begin. The qualifications summary is put close to the top of the resume. Therefore if you would like to go noticed at once, you should incorporate an overview of qualifications on your resume. After a couple job applications, you will be custom-fitting qualifications summaries in a couple of minutes. Resume objectives are occasionally thought to be the old schooltype of resume. Resume summaries are absolutely underrated. A resume summary is occasionally known as an executive summary, particularly for upper-level positions. Now imagine if this SAME resume had had a summary statement on top clearly outlining why you're an ideal candidate. In s ome instances, it's only a matter of style. Put simply, your aim is to have a job. If you follow the suggestions above you will have an interesting, compelling resume summary that is likely to make the reader want to find out more about you even regardless of your lack of work experience! The very first thing which you want to do is go back and examine the job which you're applying for and determine your intended audience. The New Angle On Summary in Resume Just Released On the 1 hand, since the possible employer or HR manager will appear at your resume only for 6-7 seconds, he won't be in a position to read more. The HR manager asks you to inform me a bit about yourself, and you've got a fast minute to set the tone for the remainder of the conversation. Make it immediately obvious that you have what is needed to excel within her position. Once your resume reaches a genuine human, you've approximately six seconds to create an impression. Employers and recruiters are extrem ely busy people and expect to read a specific amount of content based on the sort of job they are hiring for. General claims make it hard for employers to appraise the value you provided to previous employers. Resume is a type of document utilized by individuals that are seeking for employment. A resume is also regarded as an advertisement of a person's self to a prospective employer. The Downside Risk of Summary in Resume Bear in mind, the resume is an exceptional approach to demonstrate the employer or recruiter how hard you're prepared to get the job done. Hiring managers don't devote plenty of time reviewing resumes. In some instances, it is the sole thing the recruiter will see! On the flip side, functional resumes are ordinarily used by fresh graduates or individuals who have less experience but want to grab the work vacancy. Summary in Resume Explained Opening a resume with blocked information isn't such a good idea. Change each resume, if necessary, in order for y our applications are almost always hyper relevant. Knowing the appropriate format is a significant portion of understanding how to compose a finance resume summary statement. The 30-Second Trick for Summary in Resume Based on your degree of experience and the jobs you're applying for, what you decide to concentrate on in your resume summary might vary. Confusing an expert summary with a profile can end up costing a work seeker that sought-after interview. Delve as deep as possible into the work description. Studying resumes of individuals who hold, or have held the sort of job that you're pursuing, is also helpful. The main purpose of an expert summary is to create your most important abilities and experiences immediately noticeable to hiring managers. Technically, a resume summary is not anything more than a quick introduction of what your professional standing is, and the way you would like to use accumulated skills and experience to add to the organization that will grad ually hire you. As soon as you've added your relevant work experiences, look at your keywords, phrases and techniques from your previous positions. After you determine the skills you need to concentrate on, do a bit of research and see whether they line up with job requirements listed for the positions you're seeking. In the same way, graduates may use the summary to their benefit. Summaries are the debut of choice unless you're a recent college graduate and don't have much to summarize. The absolute most efficient summaries target one career objective. Writing a superb career summary doesn't need to be an intimidating experience.